


Baptisms are celebrated on Sundays at 11.45am.
Before having a baby baptised in our parish, parents are required to attend a

Welcome Mass, which is at the 10.00am Mass on the 3rd Sunday of each month.

Baptism Preparation Session which is held on the 1st Monday of the month at 7.00pm in the Church Hall.

If you wish to book a Baptism, please complete all the details on the form below and submit.
A member of the Parish Team will contact you to organise the exact date.



Preparation of the Sacrament of Reconciliation will commence in Term 3 with parents enrolling their child on the form below and submitting. To be eligible for First Reconciliation, children must be in Year 3 or above and must be baptised.

Please read the information before the form carefully as it contains the requirements and commitments for parents and children and the dates of the Parent Information Evening, Commitment masses, Family sessions, Practice afternoon and Reconciliation.

Enrolments open on Wednesday 24th July 2024

and close on

Wednesday 21th August 2024



Preparation of the Sacrament of 1st Holy Communion will commence in late Term 1 with parents enrolling their child on the form below and submitting. To be eligible for First Holy Communion, children must be in Year 4 or above and must be baptised and have received their 1st Reconciliation

Please read the information before the form carefully as it contains the requirements and commitments for parents and children and the dates of the Parent Information Evening, Commitment masses, Family sessions, Practice afternoon, a 2nd Rite of Reconciliation for candidates and First Holy Communion masses.

Enrolments open on Wednesday 20th March

and close on

Wednesday 24th April 2024

holy spirit dove


Preparation of the Sacrament of Confirmation will commence in Term 1 with parents enrolling their child on the form below and submitting. To be eligible for the Sacrament of Confirmation, children must be in Year 5 or above and must be baptised, have received 1st Reconciliation and 1st Holy Communion.

Please read the information before the form carefully as it contains the requirements and commitments for parents and children and the dates of the Parent Information Evening, Commitment masses, Family sessions, Practice afternoon, a 2nd Rite of Reconciliation for candidates and Confirmation masses.

Enrolments open on Wednesday 31st January 2024

and close on

Wednesday 14th February 2024



By appointment only. Please contact Fr Joe Manjaly on 4721 2509 or



If you feel as though God may be calling you to the priesthood, the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta welcomes the opportunity to help you with your discernment.

Director of Priestly Vocations, Fr John Paul Escarlan, is your first point of contact. Email


Thinking of becoming Catholic?

Have you been worshiping with us, and now is the time to officially take the step to become Catholic?

Have you been away from the church...and have now returned, and want to know more?

Have you been a Catholic all your life, but never celebrated all of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist)?

Is it a little overwhelming?
Then the RCIA might provide the answers.

anointing oil


By the sacred anointing of the sick and the prayer of the priest the whole Church commends those who are ill to the suffering and glorified Lord, that he may raise them up and save them. And indeed the Church exhorts them to contribute to the good of the People of God by freely uniting their suffering with the Passion and death of Christ.

This sacred anointing of the sick was instituted by Christ our Lord as a true and proper sacrament of the New Testament. It is alluded to indeed by Mark, but is recommended to the faithful and promulgated by James the apostle.The Church believes and confesses that among the seven sacraments there is one especially intended to strengthen those who are being tried by illness, the Anointing of the Sick.

The sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is given to those who are seriously ill by anointing them on the forehead and hands with duly blessed oil - pressed from olives or from other plants - saying, only once: "Through this holy anointing may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up."