Our many ministries help our Parish welcome new members and assist with the integration of various works to form one body as the Parish of St Nicholas of Myra Penrith.
Please contact the parish office for more information.
Acolytes minister to the priest to look after the service of the altar and to assist the priest in liturgical services especially the Mass.
Parish altar servers assist with the celebration of the Liturgy. Training for altar servers is open to boys and girls of the Parish who have received their First Holy Communion.
Clean and care for the altar and sacristy space.
Volunteers assist with the operation of the computer to enhance the presentation of the Liturgy during Mass. We are always looking for dedicated youth / students to help with the operation of the computer. Training will be given.
Catechists are volunteers who take the Good News to Catholic children in the State Primary Schools located in our Parish. The classes are held weekly and last for approximately half an hour. No special qualifications are needed. Support and backup are always available and excellent resources for children and teachers are given. Meetings with the coordinator are held regularly for mutual support and discussion.
The children attend the 10am Mass Sunday mornings during school term time and are able to take advantage of the Children's Liturgy of the Word - the Gospel and homily of the Mass celebrated at a level which younger children (up to about 10 years of age) can more easily understand.
Children process out of the church after the welcome by the priest and return at the Presentation of the Gifts. Volunteers are always welcome.
This is a lay association officially approved by the church. CLC is a group of people who meet together regularly to help one another to get to know Christ better through the spiritual exercises of St Ignatius Loyola and to seek and to respond to what He is asking of them in their lives. Members seek to deepen their faith and express it in their daily living by seeking ways to bring peace and justice into our community.
Assist in the liturgy by introducing Mass, hymns, prayers of the faithful and psalms as required.
Lay ministers who assist in the distribution of Holy Communion.
Management and administration of buildings, property and material resources.
Greeters welcome worshippers, hand out bulletins.
Offers Pastoral care to staff, patients and families at the local Nepean hospital . All requests should be made to the Chaplaincy Office at Nepean Hospital by phoning (02) 4734 2000
Proclaim the Word of the Lord at each of the weekend Masses by reading the assigned Scripture passage from the Old and New Testaments. Volunteers are also welcome at daily Masses. Training required. Roster rotation is required to cover Masses.
The Legion of Mary is a worldwide organisation of lay persons, in which Catholic men, women and youth sanctify themselves through prayer and apostolic work in union with Our Lady. The Legion meets on Saturdays at 10.30 am in PMR1 (Seniors). The Junior meetings will be held on Saturdays from 3.30 pm – 5.00 pm at PMR1.
Supports the Sacrament of Marriage and the preparation of engaged couples involve four sessions of about two hours duration over a four week period, usually conducted in the home of a married couple who will also be facilitators. Contact Parish Office
Assist in enhancing the presentation of the Liturgy at weekend masses, in particular, by use of the organ or piano. Other musical instruments, woodwind, brass, percussion, strings or guitar are also welcomed.
Is a special devotion to Our Lady particularly by members of the Philippine community. Our Lady's image has been placed in the church of St Nicholas of Myra at Penrith since 6 September 2006. Devotions are held monthly and advertised in the parish bulletin.
Pastoral leadership of the community.
Communion to those who are housebound through age or illness and a ministry to elderly in Nursing Homes. Ministry and Presence to funeral families.
Sacristan prepares items used during our liturgical celebration, including hosts, wine, vessels, linens, vestments etc. Sacristan maintains the schedule and supplies of items used.
Collect monetary offerings and tidy up church after Mass. The ushers ensure that parishioners are selected and ready to present the offertory gifts.
This group of senior parishioners, both men and women, enjoy sharing a cup of tea, some fellowship, the occasional bus trip and a sense of belonging. All seniors are most welcome - just come along on the first Wednesday of each month at 10am in Parish Meeting Room 1.
Penrith Community Kitchen
"I was hungry, and you fed me."
- Matthew 25:35
The Penrith Community Kitchen is a separately registered charity within the Parish. The Parish supports the work of this charity with an annual donation and the generosity of parishioners. Penrith Community Kitchen is a community project staffed by volunteers who are dedicated to ensuring that the people of Penrith and surrounding areas have a place where they can feel welcome; enjoy friendly company and a daily meal.
It is only through the ongoing support of groups, businesses and individuals that the Penrith Community Kitchen can continue to provide comfort to the poor and disadvantaged members of our society.
PCYC Building
100 Station Street, Penrith
Phone/Fax (02) 4721 1444
Open for a free lunch 11.30am-1.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)
Solo Parents Ministry (CatholicCare Social Services)
This ministry provides care and support for those who have been affected by the death of a spouse or partner, and those who have experienced separation or divorce.
Counselling and support is offered through telephone and face-to-face sessions, as well as home visits.
Solo Parents Ministry facilitates a Bereavement Group, on topics relevant to those whose spouse or partner has died.
Contact penrith@ccss.org.au
Project Elizabeth (CatholicCare Social Services)
Based at the St Nicholas of Myra Parish Centre, this service provides a comprehensive pregnancy-related counselling service for women. Project Elizabeth offers outreach services through home visits and hospital visits for women and assists women to reduce the risk of having physical and emotional problems caused by lack of emotional support before, during and in the months following the birth of their children.
The project also aims to increases women's awareness of appropriate management of children 0-2 years and offers a 'Young Mums' group for women up to 25 years of age who are pregnant or who are parents.
Contact penrith@ccss.org.au
St Vincent de Paul Society
The St Vincent de Paul Society helps people in need in emergency situations. Penrith belongs to the Nepean/Hawkesbury Conference and part of the larger international St Vincent de Paul Society, which helps the poor throughout the world.
Local members visit families and adults and provide assistance in a variety of ways. The St Vincent de Paul Society conducts an annual Christmas Hamper Appeal and support the "Vinnies" Van Night Patrol which regularly provides food and information to homeless people in the Penrith area.
Clothing bins are available and used clothing and saleable items are welcome at the Vinnies shop at Kingswood. New members are most welcome.
Contact Parish Office 4721 2509