reconciliation copy

Registration for Reconciliation

Parent Information Night

This will be held on Tuesday 20th August at 7.00pm in the Church. This is a compulsory part of the program for at least one parent to attend.


Commitment Masses

Commitment masses will be held on Saturday 24th August at 6.00pm or Sunday 25th August at 8.30am or 10.00am or 6.00pm. This is compulsory part of the program for the parents and the child to attend one of these masses where a blessing will be given and commitment form completed and submitted.


Family Sessions

The Family sessions will be conducted in small groups with a facilitator for each group. These meetings will be 60 minutes in length and will run on Saturdays at 4.30pm and Sundays at 8.30am in the Church Hall or surrounding rooms. After the session it is compulsory for the parent and the child to attend mass either the 6.00pm mass following the 4.30pm session or the 10am mass following the 8.30am session where some material completed during the sessions will be submitted to the priest.

You can nominate your preferred time on the enrolment form, it should remain the same for each session, so you stay in the same group and have the same facilitator.

Session 1: Saturday 31st August or Sunday 1st September

Session 2: Saturday 7th or Sunday 8th September

Session 3: Saturday 14th or Sunday 15th September

The child and a parent must attend all 3 sessions.


Family Sessions Material

This will be distributed at the Parent Information Session.

It will include the Resource booklet needed for each session, a donation envelope to be handed in on or before Session 3 to your facilitator and other material required for the program.


Practice Afternoon

This is for the children only and will be held on Tuesday 17th September from 5.00pm – 6.00pm in the Church or Church Hall.


1st Reconciliation

The 1st Reconciliation Liturgy will take place on Thursday 19th September at 7.00pm in the Church.



To enrol your child for the Reconciliation program, complete the form below and submit. If your child was NOT Baptised at St Nicholas of Myra, you will need to bring their Baptismal Certificate when registering.

Enrolments close on Wednesday 14th August.


For further enquiries, please contact the Sacramental Coordinator; Rodney Howard at


This form is not yet available.